Feb 23, 2022 | Aviation, New Ventures and Investments, Uncategorized
Arkansas entrepreneurs are making a bold claim to be a global giant in next generation transportation, including flying cars, driverless vehicles, and drones. This claim follows Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson’s recent announcement to create the Arkansas Council on Future Mobility, an advisory board committed to attracting businesses, startups, innovators, and creators.
Sep 16, 2021 | Aviation, Outdoor and Recreation Investments
The backcountry aviation arm of Thaden Field’s offerings is called Fly Oz, directed by pilots Chip Gibbons and Steve Johnson. Runway Group created the initiative as an opportunity for pilots and non-pilots to connect to outdoor recreation opportunities through a...
Jun 28, 2021 | Art, Aviation, Community, Cycling, Employment, Hospitality, Lifestyle, New Ventures and Investments, Outdoor and Recreation Investments
The brothers think Arkansas has a chance to be viewed as the “Colorado of middle America”–a place with abundant outdoor recreational and job opportunities, minus the high cost of living on the West Coast or East Coast.
Mar 1, 2021 | Aviation
“The GameBird is one of the most enjoyable airplanes you could fly,” Steuart [Walton] said. “It accelerates on takeoff like a jet, quite frankly. It’s more maneuverable than any plane I’ve ever flown.”
May 15, 2020 | Aviation, Community
Steuart Walton helped honor frontline heroes in the fight against Covid-19 by leading a fleet of World War II-era military aircraft on a statewide flyover last weekend. “Social distancing prohibits us from shaking the hands of people we want to honor, but this flyover...
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