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Walton brothers talk ‘Summit’ takeaways

Steuart Walton was one of the dozens of speakers who participated in the invitation-only Heartland Summit in Bentonville on May 11-12. More than 300 people attended the flagship event of Bentonville think tank Heartland Forward, spearheaded by Walton family members and led by CEO Ross DeVol.

Walton, aviation entrepreneur Cyrus Sigari and Walmart executive Tom Ward had an hour-long panel discussion at the Bentonville Municipal Airport titled “Jet Packs, Drones and Flying Cars.”

“The title is a lot sexier than a lot of the activity today might indicate,” Walton joked. “But to be fair, people are flying around in what is, essentially, a George Jetson-looking flying car. A guy is flying around in jet packs — two on his feet and one on each arm. That stuff is happening. What is interesting is seeing the technology grow and develop and then become widely commercially available. Where Northwest Arkansas can become a player is thinking about scale. This region is really good at scaling [companies] up.” Read MORE.